We work together with other Rotary Clubs across the world to improve global communities. From eradicating Polio to hosting exchange students, these committees focus on spreading Rotary’s mission worldwide. This year's signature project with be a World Community Service trip to Guatemala. For more information about the Guatemala trip click below.
World Community Service
This Committee seeks to work in sustainable partnership with the poorest of the poor throughout the world to help them reach personal independence by addressing health, food, personal and educational needs. Through support from our Club, Rotary Charities, and matching grants from Rotary International, this committee has raised nearly $1 million over the past 10 years for projects benefiting our global community.
Chair: Linda Racine
In September 2023, our Club will be leading a special service trip to Guatemala. For more information on the Guatemala trip, click here.
Youth Exchange
The Rotary International Youth Exchange program builds world peace one young person at a time. Our Rotary Exchange Students become global citizens as they are immersed into new cultures, learn new languages and create meaningful lifelong connections around the world.
Chair: Carla Weaver
Rotary Foundation
This committee educates members about the Rotary Foundation activities and raises money for those activities. Members meet quarterly to develop interesting programs utilizing tools available from Rotary International and member input and ideas.
Chair: Kurt Rivard
Wheels of Hope
This project gives hope, mobility and independence by providing a free wheelchair to polio survivors in Nigeria, Africa. Wheelchairs are built from bicycle parts purchased in Nigeria by local workers at the Handicapped Advocacy and Rehabilitation Center in Jos, Nigeria, with oversight and financial support by local Rotarians.
Chair: Al Bonney
Schools Improvement Project-Uganda
This global grant, in partnership with two other Rotary Clubs, is bringing solar electricity, teacher training, and basic sanitation infrastructure and training to two schools in a rural area of southwest Uganda. These schools serve some of the lowest income families of the country. Many of their students are orphans due to AIDS and COVID. To learn more, click the button below.