The Traverse City Rotary
Club Bulletin
December 24th, 2023
Our Next Meeting -
January 2nd, 2024
We will NOT be meeting on December 26th! 
Enjoy your holiday with friends and family and we will see you in the new year to kick off 2024!


Club Information
Traverse City
Service Above Self
Tuesdays at 11:45 AM
Hagerty Center At Northwestern Michigan College
715 East Front St
Traverse City, MI 49686
United States of America
(231) 941-5421
District Site Icon
District Site
Venue Map
Venue Map
Photo Albums
Rotary Boat Rally 2023
2023-24 Youth Exchange
Holiday Party 2023
Advertisement for Russell Hampton
Advertisement for ClubRunner
Advertisement for ClubRunner Mobile
Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers to start helping shape our upcoming fundraiser! Our Rotary Club Annual Fundraiser is a great opportunity to build camaraderie with your club matesraise the funds to give back to our community, and spread the word about what a great club we are.  Here’s how you can get in on the action:
  1. Volunteer to become a member of this team – areas to volunteer include, but are not limited to the following:

    1. Facilities – if you like to think of the where and how this is you

    2. Food – if you like to eat, this is for you

    3. Beverages – if you like to drink, this is for you

    4. Activities/Fund Raising Fun – a good mix of humor and creativity

    5. Entertainment – no one likes a boring party

    6. Advertising – spread the word, and name the event

    7. Ticket Sales – combine logistics with a sales mindset

  2. How/When/Where – Discovery Center 5:30pm, no more than one hour. The first Wednesday of each month, starting with January 3rd. The first meeting is for all who like to brainstorm ideas - all club members are welcome. The goal is to come up with the over all framework and will continue to meet on that first Wednesday as a whole team, while smaller teams will meet separately for specific areas.

If you have any questions or would like to participate please contact Laurie Lapp at
Christmas Baskets 2023
The Christmas Basket committee members would like to extend their sincere thank yous to the club for the success of this year's fundraising and shopping efforts. 
  • Referrals
    • We have 60 referrals comprising 229 people (145 kids).
      • 48 are adopted by us
      • 2 are adopted by another agency
      • 10 are receiving gift cards (these are all small families with one child).
  • Shoppers – we have 42 unique shoppers (some are taking more than one family).
  • Donations
    • Toys for Tots paid for $2,000 worth of toys
    • Several of our shoppers and their companies are donating money to adopt these families
    • The $7,387 raised was shared with the shoppers
Steve Wade shared a story at the 12/19 meeting about a Christmas Basket family of Steve Haskin's that had their only car break down making it impossible for the parent to get to work and Steve was looking for anyone who was willing to help with the repairs. 
Thank you to the several Rotarians and their very generous businesses that volunteered time and money to help before Steve was even able to finish his announcement. The family had their car back within 48 hours!
Happy Festive Birthday this week to:
Sharon Zimmerman
Tawny Hammond
Beth Melcher
Charlie Hamlyn
Phil Murphy
Have a great week and eat some cake!
Upcoming Meetings & Programs
December 26th - NO MEETING
January 2nd @ Hagerty - Record Eagle
January 9th @ Hagerty - Civic Center
January 16th @ Hagerty - Traverse City Airport
January 23rd @ Hagerty - Munson Rural Healthcare
January 30th @ Hagerty - Higher Grounds