We will be meeting next on March 12that The Hagerty Center. The program for the day will be the Frankfort Area Community Land Trust brought to us by Annette Knowles.
The social committee will be holding a pickleball outing on March 20th from 4pm-6pm at the Pickball U in Acme. If you have questions or would like to participate in the event please contact Susan Kraus at susankruas231@gmail.com. More details to come on the event, but make sure to express your interest. You don't have to be a pickleball master, so come on out and have some fun!
Upcoming Construction
The city will be kicking off construction on Front Street starting in March, so the only accessible entrance to the Hagerty Center will be straight through Barlow St. by the Senior Center since turning will not be permitted. This will be a lengthy project, you may have to plan a few extra minutes to get to the meetings each week.
Rotary Around The World
Check out these stories of what Rotary clubs around the world are doing in the month of March! If you haven't made an account with Rotary International to keep up with the latest news you can do that here. There is a wealth of interesting content and things to do on the website to keep you more connected. Be sure to read the article on projects like saving the bees with the Rotary Club of Woodinville Washington here. as well as other projects.
Happy Birthday this week to these members! Have a great week and eat some cake!
Stephanie Rustem
Jason Allen
Ralph Bednarz
John Scott
Upcoming Meetings & Programs
March 19th @ Hagerty - DDA Update
March 26th @ Hagerty - HelpLink
April 2nd @ Hagerty - Microplastics in local rivers