We will be meeting next on February 4that The Hagerty Center. Our program for the day will be on The Cherry Festival brought to us by Rotarian Kat Paye.
About the Presentation: The Festival Foundation... What is it? What does the Festival Foundation do, how do they do it and what are they doing for our community through events? And of course, they are going to talk about cherries!
Introducing the newly renovated new member orientation program Discover Rotary! This event will be a semi-annual get-together with two parts: 1. A new member orientation session to help members learn some Rotary history and committee assignments and 2. A social event with a potluck! ALL ROTARIANS ARE INVITED, so please plan on joining in on the fun! If you are attending we do ask that you bring a dish to pass, so you can sign up for that HERE.
Service Task Force Update
If you missed the meeting last Tuesday, please take moment to review the work that was presented by the Service Task Force that outlines the areas of focus the club may use to establish our big service projects. The committee would like to know if the categories register with the club as a whole. You can click HERE to review their PowerPoint with all of the information on water, strengthening families and youth. Once you are up to speed please click the button below to take a short survey.
The Downtown Development Authority is running a survey about Rotary Square. They would like to hear your opinion of future events that could bring more visitors to the space. If you would like to have your voice heard, take a few minutes to take the survey by clicking the button below.
If you are interested in helping those in need from the California Wildfires you can click the links below for info from Rotary clubs that have disaster relief funds. According to the Red Cross, the agencies supplying aid are overrun with items, so they are primarily asking for monetary donations, although District 5300's page lists essential items that are also of use.