The Traverse City Rotary Club Bulletin
October 20th, 2023
Our Next Meeting -
October 24th, 2023
We will be meeting next on October 24th at The Hagerty Center. The program will be about the TC West High School Musical brought to us by the cast of Guys & Dolls!
If you'd like to purchase a ticket to the musical in November you can do so here
Join the Zoom Meeting HERE
Meeting Responsibilities
Weekly Meeting
DeGood, Chris
Noonan, John
Program Host
Jackson, T. Michael
The above duties are scheduled for the October 20th meeting.
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Matching Grant Opportunity 
The Grand Travserve Regional Community Foundation will be matching donations made by Rotarians to 501(c)(3) nonprofit, educational, and governmental organizations within Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, or Leelanau counties. You can have up to $250 matched and you can donate to multiple organizations if you wish. Applications need to be submitted by December 1st to Liz at or you can mail it to 13170 S. West Bayshore Dr. Suite 108, Traverse City MI 49684. We highly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and if you need a copy of the application you can find that here. If you have any questions you can contact Steve Wade at
Blood Drive
The Rotary along with Versiti Blood and the GT Commons will be sponsoring a blood drive on October 30th from 11:30am-4:30pm at Kirkbride Hall in The Commons. We'd love for you to come and donate! The hospitals in our area need all types of blood and lots of it to ensure they can properly treat patients and all blood donated through Versiti goes right to local hospitals and people in need. Versiti makes the experience as safe and as quick as possible so we encourage you to take some spare time out of your day to donate. You can make an appointment here or walk-ins are welcome! If you have any questions you can email Ramona Pleva at
Honoring Ray Minervini
On October 31st we will be having our Tuesday meeting at Kirkbride Hall in The Commons to hold a special award ceremony honoring Ray Minervini for all of his accomplishments and his service to our community. We will be having a joint meeting with the Kiwanis Club. We would love your attendance for this special event and an RSVP will be sent out closer to the date to confirm for seating and lunch. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Kraus at
In the interest of time we will not be doing Happy Bucks or club announcements that day so be sure to email Liz at if you have any topics for the bulletin that week. 
Happy Birthday this week to:
Thomas Power
Christopher Lambert
Ben Whiting
DeAnna Hess
Have a great week and eat some cake!
Upcoming Meetings & Programs
October 31st @ Kirkbride Hall with Kiwanis
November 7th @ Hagerty - Interlochen Students
November 14th @ Hagerty - Coast Guard
November 21st @ Hagerty - SCORE
November 28th @ Hagerty - Peace Ranch