Posted by Kurt Rivard
Please let me know if you would like to purchase a ticket as we can charge your account.
The last day to purchase is Tuesday, March 3rd.

The Mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

Most of us never read this mission statement all that closely, but it is true: Rotary Foundation does not DO anything – WE do the work of changing Communities, Rotarians do the work of changing lives, Rotary clubs do the work of making the world a better place, one community at a time.

That’s why we donate to The Rotary Foundation: because THEY aggregate the donations from Rotarians all over the world and make those donations available to Rotarians and Rotary Clubs to undertake projects that change the world, improve lives and make the world a better place.  You and me. Over $300 Million dollars a year in donations from Rotarians are given back every year into project grant funds that turn good projects into GREAT projects. And the Traverse City Rotary Club shares in these funds every year because of your generosity.

Lest anyone get confused, this is the ONLY thing that donations to the Rotary Foundation are used for.

So when we run a promotion, like the 50/50 raffle in which we are asked for our participation, it is to add to that $300M pot in Evanston that becomes the Rotary Matching Grant program every year.

It’s also a bit of fun, too.  Remember four years ago when Dan Jonkhoff won the first prize of $3,600, I think?  He had a bit of fun that year! 

The more tickets we sell across the district the more the prize money is for the six winners.  Half the money from the tickets goes to the winners and half goes to The Rotary Foundation . . . ..and what happens to that money?

Remember that thing we call per capita: the requirement to have club giving equal to $100 per member on average: $10 of your $20 ticket purchase counts towards our $100 per capita, too.

So: do some good in the world, have some fun and contribute to our club reaching it’s per capita goal . . . . . buy a ticket.  I bought 5 – how about you buy 5, too!

After the meeting we will be in the foyer – this week and for the next two weeks.  Cash, check or put it on your club bill.

Thanks! Al Bonney